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Welcome to the New Paradigm: 3D Printing is a Reality.

We are living in ever more interesting times. The worldwide pandemic of COVID-19 has changed the way we live, work, and even breathe. And thanks to a lot of you, 3D printing has been a big part of making these changes safer for all involved. 

When we saw the need for 3D printing of materials for producing PPE, we jumped at the opportunity to help all of you do more. We offered the biggest discount we've ever offered to help your dollars go further and make more masks, shields and mask retainers. We sold more filament through our website during this time than ever before. In fact, as a result, we have nearly been cleaned out of on-hand filament. And that is a GOOD THING as it means we've done plenty together to fight COVID-19 and protect those on the front lines. THANK YOU to all who had any part in making this happen. 

The Shift - The interesting thing to me is that we have, in this crisis, awakened the world to the fact that 3D printers are not toys. They are not just for nerds, or engineers... they are valuable resources that can be used to make almost anything as a prototype and to produce final, end-use items in many cases. We knew that, of course, but the world has been AMAZED at what we can do with 3D printers and that will not be soon forgotten. 

I believe that we have begun a new era of 3D printing. One where we're no longer struggling to get attention or to have the things we need provided to us. One where the world will begin to come to us to solve problems, to produce products quickly, and to help them create things we have only dreamed about before now. 

Those of us who work in 3D all know that 3D printing has been a thing for 10-15 years. And that it has grown substantially in its abilities and capabilities. But the world knowing this will really change things for this industry. Don't miss your chance to jump on the bandwagon and enjoy this ride. It is going to be a LOT of fun!

Editorial by Carl Powell, VP of Sales, 3D-Fuel

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